Sunday 23 January 2011

Locations Shots

We wanted to use a variety of different scenes throughout the film, to keep the audience interested and engaged and so it was a very careful process when deciding the locations.

This particular shot is going to be a first person shot of a chase scene which will effectively create realism. This also helps to vary the types of camera shots and keep the audience interested.

We wanted to create a gritty and dark feel to the film and so we tried to get a location of an industrial setting, which we had t
hree scenes to choose from, but we decided to go with the third location as its more enclosed which this also leads onto the busy road which is when the detectives loose the villain, this next shot is of a busy road which create tension as he escapes to the general public and gives the audience the impression their will be another murder.

This particular shot of of the interior of the house in which the killing has taking place, this was to represent the average household and to play on the the audiences minds. The second location, is of the exterior of the house this again connotes the average household, and build suspense for the audience as its residential and suburban which the majority of the target audience is from.

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