Wednesday 12 January 2011

Inspiration- Danny Boyle

One of our key inspirations is the director Danny Boyle. He is a world renowned British director, who has been nominated for the Best Director Academy Award twice and won once. While his number of films is comparatively small to other directors, almost every film he has directed has been met with success. He is known to tackle unconventional topics and screenplays, and in some of his works he has had adapt to difficult filming schedules and settings, while still achieving award-winning results. He also directs many of his films for UK production companies, supporting the UK film industry and homegrown talent, a position we are basing our project in. The two films of his that inspired us the most are Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours.
Firstly, Slumdog Millionaire was made with a comparatively small budget of $15 million, and yet it achieved the same effects, shots and success of many big budget films. We learnt after seeing a documentary of the filming of Slumdog Millionaire, that Boyle used simple methods and techniques to great effect, such as using skateboards to achieve the same effect as track shots. This inspires us as a team with an extremely small budget, to experiment with many more effects in our shooting process, and gave us the confidence to attempt some original shots.
Secondly, 127 Hours inspired us because of the challenges presented by the setting of a deep, enclosed canyon. The style in which the atmosphere is constructed in scenes where a singular camera is used provided huge inspiration for us. The way Boyle uses minimal movement, props and dialogue to create tension and drama allowed us to visualise what we could achieve with our limited cameras and budget, and helped us choose our shot types much more effectively.

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