Saturday 30 April 2011

Evaluation: How social groups are represented

Our opening sequence presents three character roles, each having different links to social groups.
Firstly, our Villain is presented in all-black, instantly creating a sinister disposition toward him while also connoting his evil nature. This draws on peoples attitudes and feelings about the darker side of society, with his mysterious nature further drawing on this fear of society's underbelly. But also, the use of the mask symbolises that he is also a member of a community, where is is recognised and known. His need for a mask shows that he wants to protect is identity, as his regular alter-ego lives a normal life. This instantly plays with peoples perceptions of the character; and teases that he may be laying in wait in the community, his evil side unnoticed by everyone, instilling a sense of unease as he may not be the generic, outcast and lonely villain as seen in many other films.
Another example of a social group are the detective characters. By having one appear more 'rough and ready', this could connote a more friendly and relateable persona, and yet also suggest an unreliable or untrustworthy character. Contrasting this with a tightly-dressed, 'by the book' detective, it allows audiences to see possible friction between the two protagonists, adding another social aspect of how this will come to fruition and be resolved. Also, by having two styles of detective personality, we have encompassed many of the stereotypical character types found in other thriller pieces, allowing audiences to be instantly familiar with the social group at hand.
Finally, our victim is portrayed alone as an inconspicuous, 'normal' woman, whose innocence is reinforced by the initial shot of her washing pots, an everyday occurrence for many people. This instantly represents, in varying degrees, many of our prospective audience's social class and group. By doing this, the killing is much closer to their lives, as it shows that it can happen to anyone, increasing the interest, tension and apprehension within the audience. But this character also juxtaposes the others portrayed in the scene, clearly showing the divides and possible prospectives between the various groups represented.

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