Saturday 30 April 2011

Evaluation: Our chosen audience

The demographic which we targeted with our production, 'The List', was: The early-mid 20's, of any gender, although action-orientated films tend to be geared toward the male gender. Our prospective audience will want a film to entertain and excite them, but we have also included a psychological aspect to give the film's plot meaning and weight, appealing to those who want to enjoy the challenge of the enigma created by the film.
Our audience will clearly have disposable income as they have come to the cinema to see our film, so there may be a chance for us to expand on our film through merchandising. While this is another way to make money from the production, it was also be another effective marketing tool in raising awareness and creating a fan-base for our film.
Other films that our audience may have enjoyed are Panic Room, The Fugitive and Inception. These films have similar plot themes and genres to our production, are well respected and have large fan-bases, so any links to these films would be hugely beneficial for us. Also, the rise of big budget TV action dramas have increased interest in our chosen genre. 24 is a key example of this, once again following similar themes and ideas to our production. 24 has a large following, so fans of the series may take an interest in our film.
Overall, we have tried to create our film for a wide-variety of audiences to maximise our potential viewership, without focussing too much on one certain demographic, which may alienate and affect certain viewer's choice to watch our film.

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