Saturday 30 April 2011

Evaluation: The BBFC and our Rating Choice

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)
Universal - All ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children. Films under this category should not upset children over 4, for example Incredibles.
Parental Guidance - All ages admitted, but certain scenes may be unsuitable forchildren under 8, for example Toystory.

12A - Cinema only. Introduced in 2002. Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years, at all times during the motion picture. However, it is generally not recommended that children under 12 years should watch the film. Films under this category .

.0.can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, commonly used milder swear words, and moderate violence/sex references.
12 - Home media only since 2002. 12A-rated films are usually given a 12 certificate for the VHS/DVD version unless extra material has been added that requires a higher rating. Nobody younger than 12 can rent or buy a 12-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game. Films in this category may include infrequent drugs, infrequent use of strong language, brief nudity, discreet sexual activity, and moderate violence.

15 - Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. This rating is similar to the. Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, strong words, moderate-strong violence/sex references, and mild non-detailed sex activity.

18 - Nobody younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category do not have limitation on the bad language that is used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and strong violence/sex references along with strong sexual activity is also allowed. Scenes of strong real sex may be permitted if justified by the context.

Restricted 18 - Only adults are admitted, and can only be shown at licensed cinemas or sold at a Sex Shop. Films under this category have material the BBFC does not allow for its "18" rating, thus the violence and sex activity will be stronger in R18-rated VHSs, DVDs and films than those rated "18," however, there is still a range of material that is often cut from the R18 rating. This rating is similar to the American X rating. More cuts are demanded in this category than any other category.

We decided to aim our film to the age certificate 15, as this is where our mass audience is, we contemplated using certificate 12 to increase out potential audience but we felt that this would affect the content of our film. And reduce our ability to make an affective psychological thriller. We chose not to too aim the film at a certificate 18 as this would greatly reduce our potential audience, and would normally appeal to the age range 18. Looking into different films, we managed to gather information such as: How much swearing could be used, the amount of violence shown and disturbing images that could be recorded. By doing so, we are were able to maneuver scenes, adding violence and pushing the limits to attract the audience into watching our film. Teenager's love watching films that will scare them, make them jump and have an attractive and thrilling storyline. Aiming our film towards 18 would significantly lower our box office ratings and income as less people would watch it. We were amazed to find some of the material in age certificate 15’s had to offer to it’s audience and the ratings they receive.

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