Monday 14 February 2011

Shot List

We wanted to use a variety of camera angles and shots, which would keep the audience interested.

Over the Shoulder shot- this will be used as the victim is doing the washing up, this will create and tense and eerie atmosphere as it gave the audience the impression that the killer is behind her.

High angle shot- This particular will be used as the victim is looking down on the villain from the stairs, with the use of a hand held camera which will add realism to the shot. High angle shot normally convey vulnerability, which the villain was, as the audience doesn't know who is watching him e.g. someone who is going to get help, but the tables turn and the villain sees the victim and the high angle gradually becomes less dominant which show that the victim is more vulnerable.

Medium Shot- this will make up the majority of our shots as this will show both the scenery and characters. For example the detective scene.

Two Shot- This shot will be used when the two detectives are analysing the situation, when a flash forward to present time of the kitchen, this enables the interaction of both key detectives and allow the conversation to unravel, this also establishes the situation for the audience.

360 Degrees- we wanted to use this particular shot as its a very unique shot, and because its filmed in first person this will create realism. We also wanted to show that the villain has escaped, and this will be a very effective way of doing this shot.

First person shot- The first person shot is used when the victim is doing the washing up, this creates a sense of realism and also offers a different aspect to the audience, as it seems a harmless activity.

Tracking shot- When using this shot we wanted to follow the killers movement to show action, but we also wanted to make the camera seem to go through a beam of wood, to the victim, but this might be very hard to achieve effectively and could effect the overall quality of the final cut.

Close up shot- We wanted a close up shot of the villains brief case, this will give the audience a insight of the villains brief case, which will interest the audience and keep them intrigued.

Panning shot- we wanted to use this particular shot to show action when the detective are chasing the villain, the panning shot allow to follow the action and also increase the amount of scene shown, and also allows movement in the shot.

Hand held- we wanted too add a hand held shot within the chase scene, this will help to create realism and tension. This will also offer a different view of the chase and vary the shots which will keep the audience interested.

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